How does the war in Ukraine affect your pension?

We all hoped it wouldn’t happen, and yet it has. Russia invaded Ukraine. That had an immediate effect on the financial stock markets. Of course, human lives are many times more important than pension investments. Nevertheless, we would like to briefly tell you what these events mean for your pension.

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Stock market prices fall

We invest for your pension. In shares and bonds, for example. You may have noticed that stock markets have fallen sharply recently. This is partly due to high energy prices and the tensions surrounding Ukraine. The Russian invasion has pushed global markets further into negative territory, which means that your investments have lost value.

After a fall, recovery follows

We can well imagine that this might alarm you. However, sudden drops in value occur regularly. Think of the credit crisis in 2008, and more recently the corona crash. Experience shows that markets do recover. And this usually happens faster than expected. Sometimes it takes a few months, sometimes longer, but eventually prices find their way back up.

We invest for the long term

Speculators and day traders look at the short term. We do not. Because we invest for your pension. In doing so, we focus on the long term. And in the long run we expect to achieve a good return for you. Good to know: we take your age into account. Are you still young? Then we invest with more risk. In the long term, this is expected to yield more. As you grow older, we gradually reduce the investment risk. By doing so, we ensure stability in your investments and increasingly secure the accrued return.

What’s the best thing to do?

Keep your head cool. That’s the main thing. In other words, don’t make any hasty choices. Have you completed the Profile Guide before and used it to determine your investment profile? Then we’re investing in the way that suits you best. Daily events in the financial markets, however violent they may be, should not be a reason to make a different choice.

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Frequently asked questions

You have opted for Free Investing. That means that you are responsible for the composition of your investments. The best advice we can give you? Keep your head cool. Don’t make any rash choices. And remember that you’re investing for your pension and therefore for the long term. Is your retirement date drawing near? Then make sure you reduce your investment risk in time. But that advice applies at all times.